Annual Paige Awards

Annual Paige Awards

Paige’s Story:

Our beautiful Paige was born healthy, happy… whole. Shortly after her first birthday, she contracted pneumococcal meningitis. The virus devastated her brain, and left her permanently disabled. Although she quietly passed in 2013, she left a legacy of strength and endurance. In wanting to keep her memory alive, we created the Paige Awards. It is an honor given to those who exhibit strength and endurance, with a passion for the special-needs community. We celebrate her memory every year by honoring incredible people who exhibit the special qualities that we remember about Paige.

The You Belong Foundation thanks everyone who attended the 6th Annual Paige Awards this year. It was a beautiful night honoring Paige and everyone who is doing amazing things in the special needs and disabled community. We are excited to announce that the next Annual Paige Awards will be held August 10, 2024! More details to come but mark your calendars and be on the watch for more information!

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